If you get pulled over, just remain calm and remember your rights. Keep your hands on the wheel where the officer can see them. Police officers in some states have the legal right to search your car if they say they “smell” drug smoke. This is a very obvious loophole, but one you have to deal with since it is the law.
When he requests them, show the officer your driver’s license, registration, and proof of insurance. Try to remember the officers’ badge number and patrol car numbers, although not in an obvious or confrontational manner. For instance, don’t immediately ask for his name or badge number, just be mindful of it. Police WILL try to intimidate you, and they WILL make you wait. Maintain your composure, don’t show fear, and be polite. The police officer will most likely ask you if you know why he pulled you over. Say as little as possible, and never admit to speeding or try to guess why you were pulled over; just say no.
Never get into an argument with the police. You cannot win an argument with a police officer. Also remember that anything you say or do can be used against you, so I have to reiterate… say as little as possible. In some cases, police can search your car without a warrant based on “probable cause”. Make it clear that you do not consent to a search so you’re legally protected later on. It’s not lawful for police to arrest you simply for refusing to consent to a search. Remember that, NEVER consent to a search.
Refusing a search DOESN’T mean you’re guilty. The age old argument: “Well sonny, honest people don’t have anything to hide” is complete nonsense. That argument has been debunked many times over. Don’t let that line influence you.
Unfortunately, police enjoy a monopoly on protection. They’re the only game in town, so they aren’t pressured by the forces of the free market to make their customers happy. Police can generally act however they want and do whatever they please and we have to keep paying them to protect us. It’s an unfortunate situation, but until we live in a world with competing police services, where we can choose protection companies like we choose our cell phone provider, then we have to deal with it. So remember your rights, and don’t give in to police intimidation.